Cornell CS ⅘456 Network
How is the network shared
- consist of End hosts & switches & links
- switches for sharing
- pros
- support many clients at the same time
- Send and receive information
- limited resources
- pros
- reservation (circuit switching)
- Pros:
- Predictable performance
- Reserved bandwidth leads to better application performance
- Reliable delivery (assuming no failures)
- Simple forwarding mechanism
- Cons:
- Resource underutilization
- Blocked connections
- Connection set up overheads
- Per-connection state in switches (scalability problem)
- sharing at connection level
- Pros:
- on-demand (packet switching)
- Pros
- Better resource utilization
- Better failure recovery
- Quicker start to transfers
- Cons:
- Unpredictable bandwidth availability
- Unpredictable delay/latency
- Packet header overhead
- sharing at packet level
- Pros
- Underlying principle: statistical multiplexing
combining demands to share resources (packets / connections) efficiently
只要能满足这个的都算- Sharing resources using the characteristics of the user demands
- Similar to insurance, with the same failure mode
- bursty traffic
- Peak of aggregate load $<<$ aggregate of peak load
- Peak usage of a user $>>$ average usage of a user
Network Performance
- throughput (bandwidth)
- data size / transfer time = bits per second, bps
- delay / latency
- Time for all bits to go from source to destination (seconds)
- Transmission delay (hardware properties)
- packet size / link bandwidth = bits / bps
- Propagation delay (hardware properties, distance)
- link length / speed of light
- Queuing delay (traffic characteristics, switch internals)
- Processing delay (switches and end hosts)
- Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP)
- Propagation delay x bandwidth
- loss, resilience to failure
How does internet work
- End-to-end view of tasks
- Naming, addressing: locating the destination
- Routing: finding the path to the destination
- Forwarding: sending data to the destination
- Queuing packets at switches in input queues
- Forwarding on the packet to the output queue
- Reliability: communicating despite failures
When packets lost- Dropped on switches
- Failure of switches, links
- Bit flips, errors
- protocols
- agreement between peer layers on different nodes
- syntax
- Payload —> data
- Header —> how to process the payload
- Pipeline
- Bits arrive on the wire —> (L1)
- Packets need to be forwarded to next router/switch —> (L2)
- Packets need to be routed globally —> (L3)
- No reliable delivery on switch -> (L4)
Functionality | Tasks | Protocols | implementations |
Applications | Layer 7 (Application) | HTTP DNS | HOST |
Reliable or unreliable transport | Layer 4 (Transport) | TCP UDP | HOST |
Best-effort global packet delivery | Layer 3 (Network) | IP | ALL |
Best-effort local packet delivery | Layer 2 (Data Link) | Ethernet | ALL |
Physical transfer of bits | Layer 1 (Physical) | Optical Radio | ALL |
- Fate sharing (store state)
- the communication’s fate is tied to these hosts.
- fundamental to the end-to-end principle
- if there’s a failure that causes the loss of state, it only impacts end host.
- State: info from ongoing communication, such as tracking packet losses at end hosts.
Physical layer (L1)
- signal modulation
- packs bits on a signal by amplitude & phase
- format
- M = number of kinds in a symbol
- N = $log_2M$ = number of bits per symbol
- $f_p$ = symbol rate or baud rate in symbols/second
- R = $f_plog_2M$ = data rate, bit rate in bits/second
- Noisy channels
- High noise => harder to decode bits from symbols
- Signal-to-noise ratio
- Signal power is the power of the data signal that encodes bits
- Noise power is the power of the noise on fiber
- SNR = signal quality (dB) $= \frac{P_{signal}}{P_{noise}}$
- max transition rate over a noisy channel
- $R = B \times log_2(1 + NSR)$
- R = 0.332 x B x SNR
- B = bandwidth in Hz of the channel
- Encoding: converting bits into a signal using modulation format
- Signals flow between signaling components
- Bits flow between network adaptors
- connects a machine to the network
- unique MAC address
- Framing: delineating sequence of bits into messages
- network adaptors recognize frame btw hosts
- When Host 1 wants to send a frame to Host 2
- Tells adaptor (uses signal component) to transmit a frame from its memory, resulting in a sequence of bits getting sent on the wire
- Adaptor on Host 2 collects the sequence of bits and deposits the corresponding frame in Host 2’s memory
- Error Detection: find corruption during transmission (cyclic redundancy check CRC)
- sentinel bits
- Sender Adds redundant bits of information to the frame (R)
- Receiver Derives from the original frame (M) using an algorithm
- k redundant bits for n message bits where k << n
- Error Correction: 丢包 + 重新发
- Media Access: mediate access of multiple nodes to the link
- CSMA/CD for media access control
Data link layer (L2)
- Broadcast
- Each packet is received by all hosts
- CSMA/CD is one example of media access control (MAC) protocol
- MAC protocols
- Channel partitioning: divide the channel into parts (frequency division multiplexing)
- Taking turns: decide who can use the channel at a point of time (time division multiplexing)
- Random access: allow collisions, then recover from them
- listen before transmitting
- If channel is idle, transmit the entire frame
- If channel is busy, defer transmission
- collisions due to non-zero propagation delay
- transmission time > 2 X propagation delay
- performance
- $E = \frac{t_{trans}}{t_{trans} + Kd}$
- K = the number of collisions per transmission
- Kd = total collision time
- For large packets E ~ 1
- As bandwidth increases, E decreases
- listen before transmitting
- Switched Ethernet (current ethernets)
- NO CSMA/CS, collisions
- may has cycles - broadcast storms
- Frames and Framing
- Implemented in the network adaptor (NIC network interface controller) 把 data 转换成 0 和 1
- Addressing:
- dest & src MAC address from frame
- plug-n-play
- Routing
- Forwarding
- causes storms, so we need STP
- spanning tree protocol for broadcast storms
- (root, distance, sent by)
- breaking ties
- If A’s ID is < root, set root = A and next-hop = “sent by”
- Flooding
- Root sends packets to every neighbor recursively
- cons
- unnecessary packet processing
- Higher latency
- Lower bandwidth availability
Network layer (L3)
routing of packets using routing tables
- Addressing
IP addresses - Forwarding (data plane - locally, ==direct by routing table==)
- local router Output link for each packet
- Read address from packet’s L3 header, search from routing table
- Routing (control plane - distributed, ==compute routing table==)
- network-wide process
- end-to-end path
- goals
- validity
- local routing
- forwarding table in single router
- global routing
- collection of forwarding tables of all routers
- always deliver to destination
- valid routing state need correctness conditions for routing
- no deadends / loops
- local routing
- efficient - least cost path to destination
- least cost path routing - least cost path from each src to dest
- Link state routing (Dijkstra)
- Distance vector routing (Bellman-Ford algorithm)
- least cost path routing - least cost path from each src to dest
- validity
Link state routing (Dijkstra)
- no privacy, limit autonomy
- Routers broadcast their link state to all other routers
- All routers build the global network graph
- Centrally and locally compute shortest paths at each router
- Link state routing protocol creates a global view of the network
- Link state flooding (Link State Advertisements (LSAs))
- When an LSA arrives at a router
- remembers the packet
- Forwards to other routers
- If the same LSA arrives again
- Drop it, do not forward again
- When an LSA arrives at a router
- local path calculation
- Link state flooding (Link State Advertisements (LSAs))
- Algorithm finds shortest paths on the global network view (Dijkstra)
15function Dijkstra(Graph, source):
for each vertex v in Graph.Vertices:
dist[v] <- INFINITY
prev[v] <- UNDEFINED
add v to Q
dist[source] <- 0
while Q is not empty:
u <- vertex in Q with min dist[u]
remove u from Q
for each neighbor v of u still in Q:
alt <- dist[u] + Graph.Edges(u, v)
if alt < dist[v]:
dist[v] <- alt
prev[v] <- u
return dist[], prev[] - Inconsistent link state cause loops
- Convergence
- same link state database
Distance vector routing (Bellman-Ford algorithm)
- no policy, vulnerable to loops
- All routers run it “together” by exchange information
- $D_x(y)$ = min { $C(x,v)$ + $D_v(y)$} for each node v ∈ N
- Poisoned Reverse if Failures
- if u -v is failed
Autonomous Systems
- network under a single administrative control
- Intra-domain routing
- within AS
- LS routing, DV routing
- Inter-domain routing
- btw Ases
- Administrative structure
- autonomy - how it implements routing
- privacy
- policy - routing policy
- Host addressing
- Network (Prefix 32bits) + Host (Suffix 9bits)
- Inter-domain routing operates only on the prefix
- Hierarchical Addressing
- Classful Addressing
- Non-uniform
- CDIR - flexible lengths
- Crucial to aggregate addresses to reduce state and churn
- Aggregation reduce routing table size
- CDIR - flexible lengths
- Multi-home
- a given network has multiple “upstream provider networks”
- prevents aggregation, increases routing table size
- BGP (extended DV)
- relationship btw ASes
- Customer $\to$ everyone
- Peer $\to$ Customer
- Provider $\to$ Customer
- Selection policy
- how traffic leaves the network
- #Make money & maximize performance & Minimize use of bandwidth
- export policy
- how traffic enters the network
- advertise to neighbors
- eBGP: btw ASes
- iBGP: within AS
- IGP: Interior Gateway Protocol = Intra-domain routing protocol
- Provides reachability to destinations with in an AS
- messages
- Open
- Update
- Keepalive
- #Route updates
- #Route attributes
- used in selection and export policies
- route advertisement as traversed in reversed order
- LOCAL PREF - pick highest
- Multi-exit discriminator - select lowest
- IGP cost - lowest IGP cost to next hop (egress router)
- Diff to DV
- not picking shortest paths
- path vector routing, to detect loop
- selective route advertisement $\neq$ DV
- reachability to routes is not guaranteed
- route aggregation for scalability $\notin$ DV
- aggregate prefixes cleverly
- Similarity to DV
- Route advertisements for destination prefixes
- No global sharing of network topology
- Iterative or distributed convergence on paths
- Issues
- Reachability due to policy routing
- #Security
- Convergence for arbitrary policies
- Performance - internal router hops not in count
- #Misconfigurations
- BGP is both bloated and under-specified
- Lot of attributes
- Lot of leeway in how to set and interpret attributes
- Necessary to allow autonomy and diverse policies
- But also makes it very open ended for operators
- Much of the BGP configuration is manual and ad-hoc
- BGP is both bloated and under-specified
- relationship btw ASes
#Software-defined networking (SDN)
Switch/Router Architecture
- Routers forward packets
- N = No. Of external router ports
- R = bandwidth (“line rate”) of a port
- Router capacity = N x R
- Inside a router
- Input linecards
- Receive packets
- Update IP header
- Lookup the output port for the destination IP address
- if not match then use Default route
- longest prefix match
- binary tree - Tire
- Queue the packet at the switch fabric
- Output linecard
- Packet classification: map each packet into a flow
- Classify a packet based on values in its header: Source and destination addresses, ports, “type of service”, “protocol”
- #flow: A set of packets belonging to the same src—dest pair
- Buffer management: drop packet
- Scheduler: transmit packet on the wire among queues / flows
- Packet classification: map each packet into a flow
- Input linecards
Transport Layer
pipe abstraction to applications
- Data goes into pipe and emerges from the other side
- Pipes are between process (not end hosts)
- Two pipe abstractions:
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
- Unreliable packet delivery (application is responsible for resending)
- Transmission control protocol (TCP)
- Reliable byte stream
- Bytes entered at one end emerge in-order at the other end
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Multiplexing and demultiplexing
- Mux/demux packets from/to applications using ports and sockets.
- Optional: Provide reliable packet delivery - needs many mechanisms (TCP is the standard example of reliable transport)
- receive
- IP header in the packet has src and dest IP addr
- Transport layer header has src and dest port numbers
- send by IP addr and port num
- Mux/demux packets from/to applications using ports and sockets.
- Correctness condition for reliability
- resends, make progress
- Fairness: flows must get a fair share of the network resources
- Flow performance: flows should get reasonable latency, jitter
- Utilization: maximize bandwidth utilization in the network
- Correctness condition for reliability
send pkt reliably
- single
- Send packet, set timer, wait for ACK, resend if no ACK when timer expires
- multiple
- Window-based algorithms
- When get ACK’d, Send W packets
- ideal
- when ACK of first packet arrives, finished sending the last of W packets
- Bandwidth of the pipe _ RTT = 2 _ BDP
- Allow multiple packets (W) to be in flight
- ideal window size = $\dfrac{B_w \text{ of pipe} * \text{RTT}}{\text{packet size}}$
- Window-based algorithms
- single
Design Considerations for reliable delivery
- Nature of feedback from the receiver
- Detection of loss
- Response to loss
Possible design for reliable transport
- Cumulative ACKs
- Window-based with retransmissions after
- Timeouts
- K subsequent duplicate ACKs
- Correct, high performance, high utilization
- Fairness
- When senders want to send data at rate higher than link bandwidth
- When there will be packet loss
- Adjust W based on losses
- In such a way that different flows receive the same share of bandwidth
- Short version:
- Cut W by half (multiplicative decrease)
- Successive receipt of window: increase W by 1 (additive increase)
- Packets identified by the bytes they carry
- ACKs refer to bytes received
- Window size in terms of number of bytes
- Connections / Sessions: explicit setup & tear down of TCP sessions/connections
- Reliability requires keeping state
- Sender: packets sent but not yet ACK’d and related timers
- Receiver: packets arrived out of order
- Each byte stream in TCP is called a connection or session
- Each session has its own #state (fate?)
- State is at end hosts, not in the network
- Reliability requires keeping state
- Segments, Sequence numbers, ACKs
- TCP uses byte sequence numbers to identify packet payloads
- ACKs refer to sequence numbers
- Window sizes in bytes
- Initial Sequence Number (ISN)
- Retransmissions:
- loss or corruption of packets, timeouts (estimated RTT) or duplicate ACKs
- Flow control:
- #Ensure sender does not overwhelm the receiver (ATTACK?)
- Advertised window = W
- send W bytes beyond the next expected byte
- Receiver uses W to prevent sender from overflowing buffer
- Limits the number of bytes the sender can have in flight
- Filling the pipe
- Congestion control
- Dynamic adaptation to network paths’ capacity
- End hosts adjust sending rate
- Based on implicit feedback from the network
- Implicit: router drops packets because buffer overflows
- Hosts probe the network to test the level of congestion
- Speed up when no congestion (no drops)
- Slow down the there is congestion (packet drops)
- Efficiently
- Extend TCP’s window-based protocol
- Adapt the window size in response to congestion
- Congestion Window (CWND)
- Maximum # of unacknowledged bytes to have in flight
- Data Rate ~CWND/RTT
- Adjustment
- Consequences of over-sized window much worse than having an under-sized window
- Over-sized window: packets dropped and retransmitted
- Under-sized window: somewhat lower throughput
- Approach
- Gentle increase when un-congested (exploration)
- Rapid decrease when congested
- Consequences of over-sized window much worse than having an under-sized window
- Additive increase
- On success of last window of data, increase W
- Multiplicative decrease
- On loss of packets by DupACKs, divide congestion window by half
- Adapting the congestion window
- Increase upon lack of congestion: optimistic exploration
- Decrease upon detecting congestion
- detect congestion by packet loss
- Connections / Sessions: explicit setup & tear down of TCP sessions/connections