9. Transaction Manager
- 访问(并更新)数据库的一个程序执行单元
- Transaction
- A sequence of updates (or queries) that is “connected”
- Two operations may conflict if
- They are by different transactions
- They are on the same object, and one of them is a write
- DBMS commands for assigning queries to transactions
- DBMS makes guarantees about transactions
- execute all transactions or none
- Example
- Wire $50 from Alice to Bob
- Deduct $50 from Alice’s account
- Add $50 to Bob’s account
- Semantically related - execute both or none
- Wire $50 from Alice to Bob
- Postgres operations
- Begin a transaction with command BEGIN;
- End a transaction with command COMMIT; or ABORT;
- Everything in between belongs to transaction
- Locks
- Multiple transactions can read objects without conflicts
- Read (aka shared) locks: read access
- Write (aka exclusive) locks: read+write access
- Lock manager may grant multiple read locks on same object
ACID guarantees
Transactions guarantee the ACID properties to avoid the problems
A: Atomicity (either execute all or nothing)
- Execute All or none
- Transaction ends in commits or aborts
- Uncertainties:
- crash by bugs or power failure
- Transaction step violates integrity constraints
- Explicit transaction abort (e.g., PG: ROLLBACK;)
- Internally, DBMS executes steps separately
- May have to do cleanup in case of partial execution
- Ensure Atomicity
- Logging:
- Log all details of a transaction
- Undo transactions if any of them aborts
- Maintain these records in memory and on disk
- shadow paging
- Logging:
C: Consistency (enforce all integrity constraints)
- 数据库从一致性状态到另一个一致性状态
- Data is consistent with all constraints
- Primary key constraints
- Referential integrity (foreign key constraints)
- More complex constraints can be defined
- DBMS will abort transactions threatening consistency
- Careful, differs from distributed systems consistency
I: Isolation (avoid interleaving transactions badly)
- transaction 之间数据隔离
- Execution of each transaction is isolated from that of others.
- simulating sequential execution to users
- Different users may execute transactions concurrently
- E.g., bank has many clients transferring money
- Executing transactions sequentially is inefficient
- Clients wait until one transaction is done
- interleave steps from multiple transactions
Interleave Steps
- Motivation 1: long running transactions
- Long wait if behind long transaction
- Better: alternate between (long & short) transaction steps
- Long transaction barely slower, short transaction quick
- Motivation 2: idle time e.g. by disk access
- Assume transaction 1 needs data from disk for next step
- Could load data while executing step from other transaction
- Notations
- C: commits
- A: aborts
- RW: read & write
- number: transaction
- letter: object
D: Durability (ensure that updates are not lost)
- Committed updates are persist
- DBMS notifies users that transaction has committed
- This must hold even if DBMS or server crashes
- Must store enough info on disk to restore at startup
- Only notify user of commit after that has happened
Isolation Anomaly (if violate ACID)
- may destroy illusion of sequential execution
- Write-Read Conflict (W-R)
- Dirty Reads: reads data written by not committed transaction
- User 1 updates a toy’s price but this gets aborted.
- User 2 reads the update before it was rolled back.
- Read-Write Conflict (R-W)
- Unrepeatable Reads: Transaction gets a different value, when reading it multiple times
- A user reads two different values for the same record because another user updated the record in between the two reads.
- Read-Read Conflict (R-R)
- Write-Write Conflict (W-W)
- Lost Updates: Overwrites uncommitted data from another uncommitted transaction
- Two users try to update the same record at the same time so one of the updates gets lost.
- Phantom Read (幻读)
- 在同一个事务中,由于其他事务的提交,执行同一查询时可能会返回之前未返回的数据记录。这通常发生在以下情况:事务在开始时读取了一组数据,但在执行过程中,其他事务插入了新的数据记录,导致原始事务再次执行查询时返回了新的数据记录。
- Isolation Level
- Read uncommitted: 读取数据时,不需要等待其他事务提交。
- Read committed: 事务只能读取那些其他事务已经提交的数据变更。
- Repeatable Read: 事务在开始时生成一个快照,事务执行期间只基于这个快照读取数据。这意味着,事务在整个执行过程中看到的都是同一个数据状态,无论其他事务在此期间进行了多少次修改和提交。
- Serializable: 所有读取操作都是串行执行的
Isolation in Postgres
Setting default isolation level for future transactions:
- Set session characteristics as
- Setting isolation level for the current transaction:
- Set transaction
- Set transaction
<isolation-spec> ::= isolation level <i-level>
Concurrency Control (Analyze transaction schedules)
Select cheapest schedule among good ones & minimize selection overheads
- Schedule: ordered steps from multiple transactions
- A good schedule preserves the illusion of isolation
- E.g., none of aforementioned anomalies
- Properties
- Serializability
- Final state serializable (Anomalies)
- Conflict serializable (Disallows some good schedules)
- View serializable (slow concurrency control)
- 2PL (produces conflict serializable schedules)
- Aborts
- Recoverable
- Avoids cascading aborts
- Strict
- Serializability
Comparing Schedules (equivalence)
Define good schedules by comparison with Serial schedule on certain criterion
Serial schedule
- one transaction after the other, no interleave
Final state equivalence
- Compare two schedules based on final database state
- Equivalent schedules if DB content equal after execution
- Must hold for arbitrary initial database content
- equivalent example
- W1(A) W2(A) W1(B) W2(B) C1 C2
- W1(A) W1(B) C1 W2(A) W2(B) C2
View equivalence (stronger than final state equivalence)
- Same read instruction & final state
- Same initial reads
- If transaction X reads the initial value for some object in S1, it also does so in S2
- Same dependent reads
- If transaction X reads a value written by transaction Y in S1, it also does so in S2
- Same winning writes
- If transaction X writes the final value written by transaction Y in S1, it also does so in S2
Conflict equivalence - When two schedules order their conflicting operations in the same way (stronger than View state equivalence)
- The operations are from different transactions
- Both operations operate on the same resource & At least one operation is a write
- Can get from S1 to S2 by swapping non-conflicting operations
- 每一对冲突的操作在两个调度中的顺序都相同
Comparing Schedules (Serializability - criterions):
- Final State Serializability:
- A schedule S is final state serializable if
- There is a serial schedule …
- … that is final state equivalent to S.
- May have unrepeatable reads with final state serializability
- Can be bad even if it does not influence db state
- E.g., R1(A) W2(A) R1(A) is final state serializable
- A schedule S is final state serializable if
- View Serializability:
- NOT Ensure Conflict Serializability
- Possible W-W conflicts does not affect view serializability but affects conflict serializability
- R1(A) W2(A) R1(A) C1 C2
- R1(A) R1(A) C1 W2(A) C2 - not view equivalent as 2nd read now returns initial value
- W2(A) C2 R1(A) R1(A) C1 - not view equivalent as 1st read does not return initial value
- Not equivalent to any of two possible serial schedules
- Verifying view serializability is NP-hard
- NOT Ensure Conflict Serializability
- Conflict Serializability
- Ensure View Serializability
- Output of a schedule depends only on conflicting actions.
- Swapping non-conflicting actions does not change the output
- Can test efficiently if schedule is conflict serializable by
- Draw conflict graph
- Test if conflict graph has cycle
- Conflict serializable if no cycle
- Ensure View Serializability
Conflict Graph (acyclic graph)
- A schedule is conflict serializable if and only if its dependency graph is acyclic.
- One node per transaction in schedule
- Edge from Ti to Tj if
- conflicting operations O1 and O2
- O1 appears earlier in schedule than O2
- Draw edge from O1 transaction to O2 transaction
- Semantics of edge from i to j
- Any conflict-equivalent schedule must order i before j
- Example
T1: R(A), W(A), ---------------------, R(B)
T2: ----------, R(A), W(A), R(B), W(B),---
- T1 reads A and then T2 writes to A: there will be an edge from T1 to T2.
- T1 writes to A and then T2 reads from A. we don’t have to add T1 to T2 again.
- T2 writes to B and then T1 reads B: there will be an edge from T2 to T1.
- Convert to equivalent serial schedule
- Start from the node w/o incoming edges
- Add all operations of that transaction and commit
- Continue with node where all predecessors treated
Handling Aborts
- Exclude aborted transactions for checking serializability
- DBMS acts as if aborted transactions never happened
- Orthogonal classification of schedules based on aborts
Recoverable Schedules
- Transaction commits only after all transactions it read from have committed as well
- transactions can be rolled back safely.
- If Ti reads data which was written by Tj, then Tj must commit before Ti reads
- Counter-Example:
- W1(A) R2(A) W2(B) C2 A1
- No trace of aborted transactions should remain
- But write to B may have been influenced by read from A
ACA Schedules
- No transaction reads uncommitted data
- reducing the risk of widespread rollbacks.
- Avoid rolling back 1 transaction causes rolling back others
- Schedule recoverable by delaying commits
- May have chain of aborting transactions
- Transaction read from aborted transaction - tainted!
- Recoverable but does not avoid cascading aborts:
- W1(A) R2(A) W2(B) C1 C2
Strict Schedules
- No transaction reads or writes uncommitted data
- highest level of isolation and make recovery simpler and more reliable.
- E.g., W1(A) W2(A) W3(A) not strict (ACA & recoverable)
- E.g., W1(A) C1 R2(A) W2(B) C2 strict
Concurrency Control Protocols - Lock
Use Locks to protect database objects
- Types
- Fine-grained locks are better
- increase degree of parallelism
- increases locking overheads
- Shared and Exclusive Locks: Can perform multiple reads in parallel
- Release Early: Allows parallelism
- Acquire Late: Allows parallelism
- Fine-grained locks are better
Lock based Concurrency ControlLocks (CC)
Locks can have different types, be one any object
one lock per database
Request lock at transactions start
Release lock at transaction end
Only one transaction can hold at the same time
Refined Lock Granularity
- Transactions on different objects in parallel
- Enable by locking specific DB objects (instead of DB)
- Locking protocol summary:
- Transaction requests locks on all its objects at start
- Waits until all locks have been granted
- Transaction executes and releases locks at end
Release Locks Early
- Releasing locks earlier may increase parallelism
- Release lock after last operation on associated object
- lead to cascading aborts
- W1(A) [Lock on A from 1 → 2] R2(A) A1
Acquire Locks Late
- Acquire locks directly before read or write operation
- (So far: acquired all locks at transaction start)
- May improve performance by increasing parallelism
- May however lead to deadlocks:
- Transaction 1 acquires lock on A, now waiting for B
- Transaction 2 acquires lock on B, now waiting for A
Two-Phase Locking (Ensure conflict serializable schedules)
- no transaction can release locks prematurely and then request new locks, which could lead to inconsistencies or deadlocks.
- Distinguishes different lock types
- Locks may be acquired late (depends on 2PL variant)
- Locks may be released early (depends on 2PL variant)
- restrictions when locks are acquired/released
- Guarantees conflict-serializable schedules
- Phase
- Phase 1: ONLY acquire locks
- must acquire a S (shared) lock before reading, and an X (exclusive) lock before writing.
- Phase 2: ONLY release locks
- cannot acquire new locks after releasing any locks
- Phase 1: ONLY acquire locks
- Conservative 2PL: acquire all locks at transaction start
- prevents deadlocks
- Strict 2PL: release all locks at transaction end
- prevents cascading aborts
- Conservative Strict 2PL
- Plain 2PL: no restrictions on acquiring & releasing lock periods
- Being non-conservative or non-strict is more permissive
- Allows more transactions to proceed in parallel
- Not preventing deadlocks or cascading aborts
- Optimal variant depends on workload
- E.g., how likely are deadlocks and cascading aborts?
- Analyzing 2PL Schedules
- To ensure conflict-serializable schedules
Proof (generates conflict-serializable schedules)
Release First Lemma:
- if conflict graph has path T1 to T2 then put a lock L1 AND T1 releases before T2 is finished acquiring its locks
- T1 has started releasing locks while T2 has not
Induction start: holds for paths of length 1
Induction step: from paths of length I to i+1
Assume 2PL schedule leads to a cycle in conflict graph
- T1->…..->T2->T1
For T1->…->T2, T1 is releasing locks while T2 is still acquiring a lock
- time(T1 starts releasing) < time(T2 finishes acquiring)
T2->T1 means that T2 is releasing locks while T1 is acquiring locks
- time(T2 started releasing) < time(T1 finishes acquiring)
By contradiction, 2PL can not produce all conflict serializable schedules
- W1(A) R2(A) C2 R3(B) C3 W1(B) C1
- Conflict graph has three nodes, two edges → no cycle
- Could this have been produced by 2PL?
Deadlocks (non-conservative 2PL)
- Deadlock: transactions waiting in a “circle”
- May be acceptable if deadlocks are rare
- Handling deadlocks
- Detect and resolve deadlocks
- Prevent deadlocks from happening
Deadlock Detection
- Option1: assume deadlock after timeout
- Option2: Waits-for graph
- One node for each transaction
- Edge from T1 to T2 if T1 waits for lock held by T2
- Edges are added as lock requests come in
- Cycle in waits-for graph indicates a deadlock
Deadlock Resolve
- Only possibility: abort one deadlocked transaction
- Aborted == restarted
- Optimize selection of aborted transaction
- E.g., abort youngest transaction for least overhead
Deadlock Avoid / Prevention
- Proactively abort transactions that may cause deadlocks
- Priority based on timestamps (older transaction - higher priority)
- Pro of Wait-Die: Transactions that acquired all locks won’t abort
- Con of Wait-Die: Young transaction may re-abort for same reason
- Avoiding Starvation
- Higher priority transaction is never restarted for both
- When restarting transaction, assign original timestamp
- So transaction will be eventually prioritized
- Avoids starvation (i.e., no transaction never processed)
Wound-wait protocol:
- T2 abort if T1 has higher priority, else T2 wait
- Proof
- lower priority transaction wait for higher priority
- Assume cycle in waits-for graph, transaction T1 in cycle
- T1 → T2: T1 must have lower priority than T2
- T1 → T2 → T3: T1 must have lower priority than T3
- T1 → … → T1: T1 must have lower priority than T1
- Leads to a contradiction so no cycle is possible!
Wait-die protocol:
- T1 waits if T1 has higher priority than T2, else T1 die
- Proof
- Only higher priority transaction can wait for lower priority
- Assume cycle in waits-for graph, transaction T1 in cycle
- T1 → T2: T1 must have higher priority than T2
- T1 → T2 → T3: T1 must have higher priority than T3
- T1 → … → T1: T1 must have higher priority than T1
- Leads to a contradiction so no cycle is possible!
Handling phantoms
- T1 selects students with name starting with F
- T2 inserts new student “Frank”
- T1 selects students starting with F again
- Suddenly, new student in the query result
- Problem: 2PL only locked students present at first query
Avoid phantoms
- Predicate locking: lock tuples satisfying certain predicate
- “name starts with F”
- Locks current and future entries equally
- Complex to realize for arbitrary predicates
- Use index for equality predicates
- Lock index page that would change at insertion
- Cannot insert if index page is locked
Efficient index locking
- Observation: traverse tree into one direction only
- 锁当前 node:
- Locking one node sufficient to block other transactions
- I.e., keeping later transactions out of current sub-tree
- 找要的 children: Locking for index lookups (crabbing):
- Identify next node (child node or root at start)
- 锁 children, 解锁当前 node:
- Lock next (read lock), then unlock parent - repeat
Locking for index updates
- Index updates change index leaf nodes, may propagate up
- However, updates may not propagate upwards of “safe” nodes
- Safe node is less than full (insertions)/more than half full (deletions)
- When traversing tree, release prior locks at each safe node
- May pessimistically request write locks but reduces performance
- Can optimistically request read locks for all nodes except leaf
- Bets on no propagation, may have to restart if we lose
Multi-granularity locking
- Best granularity may depend on query
- E.g., whether we access most or few table rows
- Multiple-granularity locking mixes lock granularities
- Locks for entire table & single rows
- Challenge: granting locks of diverse granularity consistently
- Cannot treat locks at different granularities separately
- May grant conflicting locks otherwise
- Need locks on containing objects before locking object
Intention locks
- IS (Intention Shared): want shared lock on contained object
- lock on ancestors before requesting Shared lock
- IX (Intention Exclusive): want exclusive lock on contained object
- lock on ancestors before Exclusive lock
- two transactions can place an IX lock on the same resource
- not directly conflict at that point because they could place the X lock on two different children! Database manager ensures NO placing X locks on the same node later on while allowing two IX locks on the same resource.
- Must release locks in bottom-up order to avoid inconsistent locks
Optimistic Concurrency Control
- 在提交数据更新之前,每个事务会先检查在该事务读取数据后,有没有其他事务又修改了该数据
- Conflicts are rare, no need to avoid proactively
- Pessimistic assumption: conflicts are likely
- prevents conflicts proactively
- Locking itself leads to overheads
- lock management: Acquiring, releasing…
- possible deadlocks: deadlock detection and resolution…
- (Bookkeeping) Keep read & write set for each transaction
- Read set: objects that the transaction read
- Write set: objects that the transaction wrote
- Overheads
- Record read and write sets
- Restarts / rollback if validation fails
- Slow: Critical section during validation/writes (atomic)
- Good if probability of conflicts is low
Execution Phases
- Read
- Read relevant data from database
- Execute transaction on private copy
- Validate
- Check conflicts with other transactions
- Assign transactions to unique timestamps at validation
- Try to serialize transactions in timestamp order
- Two transactions cannot have conflicted if
- T1 completes before T2
- T1 completes before T2 starts writing, W1(A) disjunct with R2(B)
- T1 writes to A, THEN T2 reads and writes B and C
- disjunct: non-overlapped sets
- T1 completes reads before T2 completes reads, Writes(T1) disjunct with Reads(T2) and Writes(T2)
- T1 writes to object C, while T2 writes to D
- Write
- Publish local changes if no conflicts
Simplification (combine validation & write)
- Only one transaction can be in validation+write phase
- No over-lapping writes
- Only consider conflict cases 1 and 2
- Write phases cannot overlap
Timestamp concurrency control
- Associate transactions with timestamps
- Read timestamp: time of last read
- Write timestamp: time of last write
- Serialize transactions in timestamp order
- Overheads
- Restarting overheads for aborted transactions
- Need to keep track of object timestamps
- space consumption increases
- updating timestamps - write for each operation
- TS(T): timestamp of transaction T
- RTS(A), WTS(A): read & write timestamp of object A
- want to read database object A
- Abort & restart if TS(T) < WTS(A) (开始 Transaction 之后有被改过)
- want to write database object A
- Abort & restart if TS(T) < RTS(A) (有人在开始 Transaction 之后读过)
- TS(T) < WTS(A)
- 如果是 Write, A 最新的值被改到老值, 需要 abort
- 如果是 read, A 被 overwrite, 需要 abort
- 两个都违反了 Serialization Order
- Thomas Write Rule
- ignores outdated writes
- Write A but TS(T) < WTS(A)
- R1(A) W2(A) C2 W1(A) C1
- Not conflict serializable but view-serializable
- Simplifies to R1(A) C2 W1(A) C1
Multi-version concurrency control
- Idea: keep multiple versions of database objects
- 以我启动的时刻为准,如果一个数据版本是在我启动之前生成的,就认;如果是我启动以后才生成的,我就不认,必须找到它的上一个版本为止
- Example
- R1(A) W1(A) R2(A) W2(B) R1(B) W1(C)
- Not conflict-serializable
- fix by moving R1(B) before W2(B)
- Making R1(B) read old version of B has same effect
MVCC protocol
- Each transaction receives timestamp when entering
- Serialize transactions in this order
- Each write creates a new version of an object
- Perform write check and abort if not valid
- Version has timestamp of writing transaction
- Read mapped to last version before transaction timestamp
- Transaction with timestamp i reads version with largest timestamp k such that k < i
Write Check
- Consistent with transaction timestamps
- Can transaction with timestamp I write object A?
- Assume transaction with timestamp > I
- Cannot read earlier version of A than I
- Must abort if this has already happened
- Track read timestamps for versions!
Abort-Related Behavior
- Aforementioned protocol guarantees serializability
- Need additional mechanisms for abort properties
- E.g., delay commits for recoverability
Snapshot isolation SI
- Each transaction operates on database snapshot
- Uses last committed value for each object
- Maintains multiple object versions internally
- Different from MVCC: no uncommitted values
Handling Writes
- Check before commit for overlapping writes
- if target objects changed
- abort & restart transaction
- if target objects changed
- Example With SI
- tables A and B with one integer column each
- T1: Insert into B select count( * ) from a;
- T2: Insert into A select count( * ) from b;
- Both has out-dated snapshot
- Causes Write Skew
- each transaction reads overlapping data and writes to disjoint data based on the reads
- tables A and B with one integer column each
- Serializability vs. SQL Definition
- SQL-92 standard defines isolation via anomalies
- The write skew anomaly is missing, drawing criticism
- Careful, may get SI when choosing serializable isolation