7. Operators



Query Processor

  • Parser: parse query
  • Rewriter: simplify query
  • Query optimizer: generates optimized execution plan
  • Executor: produces query result

Query Plans

  • Describe query processing as tree about how to generate required data
    • Leaf node: database table
    • Inner node: operation
    • Tree edges: data flow
  • Logical query plan: specifies types of operations
  • Physical query plan: specifies implementation


  • Use fixed set of standard operators
  • Consumes relation(s) and produces one relation
  • Filter operator (𝛔): select rows conditionally
  • Projection operator (𝛑): select columns conditionally
  • Join operator (⨝): find matching tuple pairs

Relational Algebra

  • Describe query plans as “mathematical expression”
  • Evaluated from inner to outer expressions

Passing Results Between Operators

  • Version 1: each operator writes output to disk
    • Unnecessary read/write overheads
  • Version 2: keep all intermediate results in main memory
    • Feasibility, depends on size
  • Version 3: Pipelined operator passes result in-memory to next operation
    • Physical plan specifies how results are passed on
    • Label “On the fly” for unary operators means pipelined input
      • output is immediately consumed by the next without any delay or intermediate storage.

Pipelined Nested Loop Joins

  • Full join output: too large to fit in memory
  • Partitioning the Join Output: Produce small join result parts consecutively
  • Directly invoke next operator for result part in memory
  • Chain nested loop joins by producing output with part of left input
  • example
    • Table A has 100 rows, Table B has 200 rows
    • A join B
    • for each 10 rows in A, join 200 rows in B
    • pass the joined 2000 rows to next operator (such as count())
    • go for next 10 rows in A…


  • (Calculate intermediate result sizes if not given)
  • Cost of each operator
    • Take into account how data is passed on
  • Do not count output cost of final operator
  • Sum up cost of all operators in plan

Cost Example

SELECT * FROM Enrollment WHERE CID='CS4320'
  • Preparation
    • studentNum = 60,000
    • enrollPerStuent = 10
    • sizePerEnrollEntry = 10 Bytes
    • bytesPerPage = 1,000 Bytes
    • entryPerPage = sizePerEnrollEntry / bytesPerPage = 1000 / 10 = 100
    • enrollPage =
      • = enrollPerStuent * studentNum / entryPerPage
      • = 10 * 60,000 / 1,00 = 6,000
  • Computation
    • (non indexed) Total Scan Cost = enrollPage = 6,000
    • (Clustered indexed) Total Scan Cost
      • = innerNodeVisite + leafNodeNum
      • = (treeHeight - 1) + enrollPage / entryPerPage
      • = 2 + 6,000 / 100
      • = 2 + 60
      • = 62
    • (Unclustered indexed) Total Scan Cost
      • = innerNodeVisite + leafNodeNum + enrollPage
      • = 62 + 6000 = 6062


Filter Operator $\sigma$

  • Fetch table rows for predicate
  • Default: scan all pages, check each entry
  • Faster (not always):
    • Sorted: binary search for specific predicates
    • Indexed: right table, right key
  • Efficiency depends on query optimizer

Join Operator ⨝

  • one of the most expensive operations
  • Some are more generic and apply to any join predicate
  • Some are faster in specific situations
  • Some need less memory than others
  • Notations
    • LoadPage(P): Load page P
    • Pages(T): Pages from table T
    • Tuples(P): Tuples from page P
    • PageBlocks(T, b): Blocks of b pages from T
    • LoadPages(B): Load pages from block B
    • Index (Predicate): Entries satisfying predicate
    • Tuple (P, i): i-th tuple on page P

Page Nested Loop Join (first table = outer table)

⨝E.Sid = S.Sid

For ep in Pages(P1):
LoadPage(ep) // Load each page in P1
For sp in Pages(P2):
LoadPage(sp) // Load each page in P2
For et in Tuples(sp), st in Tuples(sp):
// Compare every line
if (et.Sid = st.Sid):
  • Read inner table for each outer page
  • Cost = pageNum1 * load cost +
    • pageNum1 ** pageNum2 ** load cost +
    • pageNum1 ** pageNum2 ** evaluation cost
  • for (Load ALL pages from first table):
    • for (Load ALL pages from second table):
      • For all tuples in memory: check and add to result

Memory (1 + 1 + 1 = 3)

  • Store current page from outer table: 1
  • Store current page from inner table: 1
  • Need one buffer page to store output (before disk write): 1
    • For the intermediate result

Block Nested Loop Join (improved)

⨝E.Sid = S.Sid

For ep in PageBlocks(P1, b):
LoadPage(ep) // each page in P1's block
For sp in Pages(P2):
LoadPage(sp) // load each page in P2
For et in Tuples(sp), st in Tuples(sp):
if (et.Sid = st.Sid):
  • Cost = pageNum1 * load cost +
    • blockNum1 ** pageNum2 ** load cost
  • Read inner table for each outer block
    • Block == multiple pages

Memory (B + 1 + 1 = B + 2)

  • Space to store blocks from outer relation: B
  • Space to store one page from inner relation: 1
  • Need one page to store output (before writing to disk): 1

Index Nested Loop Join

For ep in Pages(P1):
LoadPage(ep) // Load each page in P1
For et in Tuples(ep):
For <sp, i> in Index(et.Sid=st.Sid): // No need to load all due to index
Output(et ⨝ Tuple(sp, i))
  • Cost = pageNum1 * load cost +
    • indexEntryNum2 * load cost
  • Idea: have index on join column and equality predicate
  • Iterate over pages from non-indexed (outer) table
  • For each outer tuple, use index to find matching tuples

Memory (1 + 1 + 1 = 3)

• Store current page from outer table: 1
• Store current page from inner table: 1

  • output buffer (before disk write): 1

Equality Joins - Hash Join (Alternatives for Equality Joins)

  • Phase 1
    • Partition data by hash values in join columns (partition by even and odd value)
    • Read data + write partitioned data
      • cost = 2 * (pageNum1 + pageNum2)
  • Phase 2
    • Join each partition pair (same hash value)
      • Read data (NO Write)
      • cost = 1 * (pageNum1 + pageNum2)
  • cost = 3 * (pageNum1 + pageNum2)


  • Phase 1:
    • 1 + # buckets
  • Phase 2:
    • 2 + # Pages / # buckets
  • **Bucket num = $\sqrt(\text{smaller table Page num})$ **
  • If Lack Memory
    • Buffer pages size limits number of output buckets
    • Less buckets -> more data in each bucket
      • Prevents loading one bucket entirely in Phase 2
    • Perform multiple passes over data in phase 1
      • Partition buckets into sub-buckets
      • Iterate until data per bucket fits into main memory

Equality Joins - Sort-Merge Join (SMJ) (Sub-optimal in memory)

  • Phase 1 (Sort)
    • Sort the join column (single entries) in joined tables
      • inefficient to random data access
      • Access pages of entries instead to fit into memory
  • Phase 2 (Merge)
    • Load first page of both sorted tables into memory
    • Find matching tuples and add to join result output
    • Load next page for table with smallest last entry
    • Keep doing until no pages left for one table


  • B: buffer pages available
  • run: A sorted sequence of data = a chunk of data in memory
  1. load & sort & write to disk (runs = pageNum / bufferSize)
    1. Load: chunks of B pages into the buffer
    2. sort: each chunk
    3. write: sorted data to hard disk
  2. merge B-1 sorted runs into 1 in one step: produce larger runs & less number of runs
    1. Load first page of each sorted run into B-1 pages
    2. Copy minimum entry in input buffers to output buffer
      • If output buffer full, write to disk and clear
    3. Erase minimum entry from input buffer
      • If input buffer becomes empty, load next page
  3. one sorted run left


  • Two input tables with M and N pages, B buffer pages
  • Phase 1
    • 2 ** M ** ($1 + Ceil(log**{B-1}(N/B))$) for sorting table 1
    • 2 ** N ** $(1 + Ceil(log**{B-1}(N/B))$) for sorting table 2
    • Multiple sorting passes, we read and write data once in each
      • Cost per pass is 2 * (number of pages)
    • steps to make with B buffer pages:
      • First step: runs of length B
      • Second step: runs of length (B-1) * B
      • Third step: runs of length (B-1) ** (B-1) ** B …
  • Phase 2
    • M+N (we don’t count cost for writing output!)
    • After sotting, all duplicate entries on same page
      • Duplicate entry: same value in join column
    • Each input page is only read once
    • Cost is proportional to number of input pages


  • Phase 1: use all buffer pages
    • More buffer == less merging passes
  • Phase 2: exploit 3 buffer pages
    • 3 for 1st input & 2nd input & output

Refined Sorted-Merge Join (Refined SMJ)

  • Idea: save steps by merging more than 2 sorted tables (No sorting tables completely in phase 1)
  • Assume B buffer pages, tables with N and M pages
  • Phase 1:
    • Only sort data chunks that fit into memory
    • load chunks of B pages & sort & write back
  • Phase 2: merge ALL sorted tables
    • Join all sorted chunks together (one step)
    • merge B-1 sorted chunks together
  • Cost:
    • 2 * (M+N) (Phase 1) + 1 * (M+N) (Phase 2)


  • First phase:
    • (N+M)/B sorted runs
  • Merge in one step:
    • B ≥ 1+(N+M)/B
  • Rule of thumb:
    • if N>M: need B ≥ 2 * √(N)

Projection $\pi$

    • Calculate SELECT items, drop other columns
    • Filter out duplicates by hash function / sorting / index

Projection & Duplicate Elimination via Hashing

  • Phase 1: partition data into hash buckets
    • Scan input, calculate projection, partition by hash function
    • Data partitions: write to hard disk (data size exceeds memory)
    • cost: read input (1 ** num of pages) + write partitioned pages (1 ** num of pages)
  • Phase 2: eliminate duplicates for each partition
    • Read one partition into memory and eliminate duplicates
    • Can use second hash function to detect duplicates
    • cost: read partition pages (1 ** num of pages) + write duplicated pages (1 ** num of pages)
  • Constraints on memory similar as for hash join
    • Count hash buckets for Phase 1, bucket size for Phase 2
    • Bucket size may not fit in memory
  • Max Cost = 3 * Number of Pages

Projection & Duplicate Elimination via Sorting

  • Max Cost: external sorting cost
  • Idea: sorting rows to find duplicates
  • Variant of external sort algorithm
    1. Apply projection during first pass over data
    2. Eliminate in-memory duplicates during all steps
    3. Now duplicate-free and sorted
    4. Reduce number of passes with more main memory

Projection & Duplicate Elimination via Index

  • Max Cost: reading index data
  • Retrieve relevant data by index
    • Assume index key includes projection columns (可以通过 index 找到 projection 里面的 attribute)
    • Saves cost considering index smaller than data
  • Even better: tree index with projections as key prefix
    • Duplicates retrieved consecutively, easy to eliminate

Grouping ($\Gamma$) & Aggregation ($\Sigma$ …)

Aggregation without Groups

  • SQL offers Min, Max, Sum, Count, Avg
  • Scan input data and update in-memory aggregate
    • Use constant amount of memory
    • Cost of reading input data once
  • Count distinct requires duplicate elimination (as above - Projection with DISTINCT)

Aggregation with Groups

group keys: the attribute inside GROUP BY

  • hashing
    • Maintain hash table of group keys with aggregates
  • sorting
    • Sort on group keys, aggregate groups consecutively
  • indexes
    • Index key must contain group-by keys

Set Operations (∩,∪,-)

    • SELECT R.id, R.value FROM R JOIN S ON R.id = S.id AND R.value = S.value;
    • Join equality condition on all columns
  • UNION eliminates duplicates (unlike UNION ALL)
    • SELECT id, value FROM R UNION SELECT id, value FROM S;
    • Hash & eliminate duplicates in each bucket
      • Hash the rows from both tables into buckets based on the columns.
      • Eliminate duplicates in each bucket during insertion (if a row is already in the bucket, do not insert it again).
    • Sort & eliminate duplicates during merging
      • Sort the combined data from both R and S on the columns (id, value).
      • Eliminate duplicates by scanning the sorted result and skipping over consecutive duplicates.
    • SELECT id, value FROM R EXCEPT SELECT id, value FROM S;
    • Partition via hash, then treat each bucket separately
      • Check if hashed R row exists in other bucket of S
    • Sort and check whether R tuple in S during merge steps