4. Data Storage
- Decomposing tables into pages, pages into slots, slots into fields
- Variable length content can be handled via directories
Hardware - Storage
Relevance for DBMS
- Capacity limits force data to lower parts of hierarchy
- Data access speed may become bottleneck
- Design algorithms to minimize data movements
- Random data access is expensive
- Read data in larger chunks (“pages”)
- Keep related data close together
- Take into account volatility for recovery considerations
Memory Hierarchy:
(Volatile): Registers → CPU Cache → Main Memory → (Non-Volatile): Flash/USB Memory → Hard Disk → Tape Backup
Faster Access →
Lower Capacity →
Tape Storage
- Bits as magnetic information on tape
- Very slow access (10s of seconds)
- Moderate read speed (up to 300 MB/second)
- Very cheap (around $0.02 per Gigabyte)
- Used for long-term archival (e.g., by Google)
Hard Disk
Bits as magnetic information on platter
- Patters spin under read/write heads
- Slow access (10s of milliseconds access time)
- Moderate read speed (around 200 MB/second)
- Cheap (around $0.035 per Gigabyte)
- Used for less frequently accessed data
Solid State Drives SSD
- Bits as small electric charges
- Elevated price (around $0.25 per Gigabyte)
- Fast access (around 1 millisecond)
- Elevated speed (around 500 MB/second)
- Limited number of write cycles (memory wear)
Main Memory
- Bits as small electric charges
- Expensive (several dollars per Gigabyte)
- Very fast access (order of nanoseconds)
- High bandwidth (Gigabytes per second)
- Used to access hot data - all if economically feasible!
- Bits as small electric charges
- Typically organized as cache hierarchy
- Very expensive (hundreds of dollars per Gigabyte)
- Near-instantaneous access (few nanoseconds)
- Very high bandwidth (tens of Gigabytes per second)
- Used to store immediately relevant data
Format - relation representation
Tables as Files
- Table schema === database catalog; 每个 page 的一个 row
- Table content $\in$ collection of pages called file
- page
- a few KB for each page
- might not enough for entire table (only multiple rows)
Files to Pages
- Store pages as doubly linked list
- each data page contains records, a free space tracker, and pointers (byte offsets) to the next and previous page.
- header page - header reference in DB catalog
- start of the file and separates the data pages into full pages and free pages.
- When space is needed, empty pages are allocated and appended to the free pages portion of the list.
- When free data pages become full, move from the free space portion to the front of the full pages portion of the linked list.
- Directory with pointers to pages
- Directory pages reference data pages with meta-data
- Faster records insertion
- Read at most all of the directory pages
Pages divided to Slots
- One record per slot (i.e., table row)
- (pageID, slotID)
- Multiple ways to divide pages into slots
1 Fixed-length Records (FLR)
- Number of bytes per slot is determined
- Packed representation uses consecutive slots
- Sorted in USED & UNUSED
- Only keep track of number of slots used
- Unpacked representation allows unused slots in-between
- Unsorted in USED & UNUSED
- Need bitmap to keep track of used slots
2 Variable-length records (VLR)
- E.g., records with variable-length text fields
- Number of bytes per slot is not fixed
- Each Page has directory about used slots: first byte, slot length
- Flexibility to move around records on page
- Can use that for regular compaction
Slots divide to Fields
- Fixed length field: field sizes defined in DB catalog
- variable length field: store field sizes on page
- Option 1: use special delimiter symbol between fields
- Option 2: store “field directory“ at beginning of record
- Given a heap file implemented as a Page Directory, what is the I/O cost to insert a record in the worst case? The directory contains 4 header pages and 3 data pages for each header page. Assume that at least one data page has enough space to fit the record.
- 4 (read header pages) + 1 (read data) + 1 (write data) + 1 (write last header) = 7
- What is the smallest size, in bytes, of a record from the following schema? Assume that the record header is 5 bytes. (boolean = 1 byte, date = 8 bytes)
student BOOLEAN
birthday DATE
state VARCHAR- 5 (record header) + 1 (boolean) + 8 (date) + 0 (state) + 0 (name) = 14
- What is the maximum size, in bytes, of a record from the following schema? Assume that the record header is 5 bytes. (boolean = 1 byte, date = 8 bytes)
4name VARCHAR(12)
student BOOLEAN
birthday DATE
state VARCHAR(2)- 5 (record header) + 12 (VARCHAR) + 1 (boolean) + 8 (date) + 2 (VARCHAR) = 28