
Database Management System Highlevel

Manage data, allows applications to store, update and analyze the data and avoids Code, Data Overlap, Inconsistencies

  • Layer 1: Query Processor (Operators, Cost Estimation, Query Optimization)
    • Parser - Check syntax and convert to Optimizer readable command, and check semantic
    • Optimizer - 优化器会生成许多能够满足查询请求的访问计划, 并选择具有最小成本的方案作为最终的访问计划 (Acess Plan), 通过 Estimator, Plan Generator
    • Rewriter - Convert to higher performance command
    • Executor - Execute
  • Layer 2: Storage Manager (Storage Media)
    • Data Access - Handles access to the data stored in various storage media.
    • Buffer Manager - temporarily store data during processing.
    • Indexes, Filed, Data Layout - Organizes data and indexes in storage for efficient retrieval.
  • Layer 3: Transaction Processing
    • Concurrency Control - Manages concurrent access to the database to ensure consistency.
    • Crash Recovery - Restores the system to a consistent state in the event of a crash.
    • Transaction Manager - Ensures that all database transactions are processed correctly and ensures ACID properties.
    • Recovery Manager
  • Layer 4: Data
    • Schema Design - Designs the database schema and ensures efficient organization of data.
    • Detecting Redundancy - Identifies and eliminates redundancy in the database schema.
    • Schema Normalization - Normalizes the database schema to avoid anomalies.
    • Distributed Process (NoSQL and NewSQL) - Handles data distribution across multiple nodes, especially in distributed and NoSQL databases
    • Graph Data, Data Streams, Spatial Data - Manages specialized data types like graph data, streaming data, and spatial data.